“The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life.”
– Dr. Maria Montessori
As we usher in the New Year, I want to express my deepest gratitude to our incredible teaching team and to all the MSE parents. Teachers, your passion for teaching lights up our school, and I am grateful for the positive atmosphere you create. Parents, I would like to extend my deepest appreciation for the trust and partnership we have established in working together for your child’s success. It has been a pleasure working with such dedicated and supportive parents. Thank you for your continued love and support. May the New Year be filled with boundless opportunities and achievements for all of you.
Looking ahead our months are going to be packed with activities and events. We are going to have our biannual Spring concert this year in May. This is a much awaited event so please keep the month before the Memorial Day free in your calendars. As a reminder please remember to send in a reusable water bottle and a jacket everyday to school.
Cheers to our remarkable teachers and parents! Happy New Year!
Ms. Chaturika
“Discipline is born when the child concentrates his attention on some object that attracts him and which provides him not only with a useful exercise but with a control of error. Thanks to these exercises … the child becomes calm, radiantly happy, busy, forgetful of himself and, in consequence, indifferent to prizes or material rewards.”
– Dr. Maria Montessori
Welcome back to school! The first week of school has been amazing! The energy and buzz students and staff bring to a new school year is truly something special.
This past few months flew by fast and we got to have a lot of fun. Children were sad to say good bye to water days and all the science experiments and activities we did throughout summer. But they were excited to start the new school year and meet new friends and work in their newly decorated classrooms.
Soon after we said hello to the 2024-2025 school year children got to celebrate the Labor Day! We are looking forward to seeing everyone during our Back to school nights soon. Our annual book fair is also coming to school and both children and the teachers are equally excited to expand their libraries with new books.
Looking forward to a great school year with everyone.
Ms. Chaturika
““Joy, feeling one’s own value, being appreciated and loved by others, feeling useful and capable of production are all factors of enormous value for the human soul.”
” – Dr. Maria Montessori
Spring has sprung! Our children has bloomed beautifully both academically and socially. We as educators are very proud of each and every one of them.
We just finished our “Around the World” expo and it was amazing to see how much children learned about different countries over the last few months. We loved seeing all the parent participation and families having fun together.
Looking ahead we will be celebrating our wonderful Moms in style this year. And our preschool will participate in a final field trip to the Botanical Gardens before we wrap up the 2023-2024 school year.
With all the events happening at school, I want to thank all our MSE families for always making time to participate and help out where you can. We are at the last stretch of the school year and let’s finish strong.
Here’s to lots of warm and sunny days to come.
Ms. Chaturika
“The fundamental help in development, especially with little children of 3 years of age, is not to interfere. Interference stops activity and stops concentration.” – Dr. Maria Montessori
Happy New Year! Can you believe another year has started. I hope this new year is filled with love and laughter! Even though it was pretty chilly, children were eager and excited to come back to school. All of them were excited to talk about the wonderful things that they did over the holiday break.
Last quarter we were very busy with many different exciting events. Finishing the year off with a fun spirit week was the icing on the cake. Next quarter we are going to be even busier with our bi-annual EXPO coming up. Teachers are already getting ready for it and you will see and hear a lot of new projects happening in your child’s class.
As a reminder please remember to send in a reusable water bottle and a jacket everyday to school. Thank you families for your continued love and support.
Ms. Chaturika
“The hand is the instrument of intelligence. The child needs to manipulate objects and to gain experience by touching and handling.” – Dr. Maria Montessori
We kicked off our summer program “Creative Catalyst” after a wonderful and a very successful Spring Concert. Children loved learning about art basics and all the aspects of creative arts while enjoying the wonderful weather and outdoor time. As always having water play days makes summer extra special for them.
We ended our summer program with a family picnic. It was a lively event with good food and good music. After a wonderful summer, we welcomed the new school year with a blast. Teachers worked hard to make the classrooms look completely different for the new school year. The excitement was palpable among the children when they came in on Monday.
Looking forward to a wonderful new school year!
Ms. Chaturika
“”As soon as children are able to walk, a period begins during which the hands, which are now liberated from the task of helping the body to move, need to be given work”” – Dr. Maria Montessori
Just like that we are in 2023. Happy New Year! I hope this new year is filled with love and laughter! Children were very excited to come to school after the break and so were the teachers. The rainy weather did nothing to dampen their enthusiasm.
We had so much fun the last quarter starting with our Trunk-o-Treat event and then finishing the year off with our spirit week. Thank you all the families for all the love and support you have given us to make memorable events for the children.
Ms. Chaturika
““Do not tell them how to do it. Show them how to do it and do not say a word. If you tell them they will watch your lips move. If you show them, they will want to do it themselves.”” – Dr. Maria Montessori
Our children had so much fun exploring the seven continents during our Summer program. It was so much fun to see children having fun in the sun and learning about different cultures, climates, and landmarks.
The water play every week was a bonus and each and every one of them loved water play day.
Last week we began our 2022-2023 school year with renewed goals and new ideas. Even though we operate as a year round school, the excitement on the first day was palpable.
Please remember to send your child to school with a reusable water bottle. Teachers refill these throughout the day as needed. We are looking forward to welcome you all for our back to school night. Please note that masks are mandatory for the event.
Here’s to a great school year!
Ms. Chaturika
““Imagination does not become great until human beings, given the courage and the strength, use it to create.”” – Dr. Maria Montessori
Can you believe that we are already wrapping up another school year! 2021-2022 School Year went by fast, but we were able to make some lasting memories and help our children bloom beautifully both academically and socially.
Thank you families for always helping out whenever you can and supporting our school. I am humbled by your kindness and generosity with words and time.
Our Spring concert preparations are on full swing. We can’t wait to show you the end product. Hope you’ll enjoy watching it as much as we had making it. We are looking forward to a fun filled summer and water play days are going to be back in schedule here at MSE.
Hoping your summer includes lots of family time, ice cream, swimming, laughter, and fabulous memories.
Ms. Chaturika
“The greatest sign of success for a teacher..is to be able to say, “The children are now working as if I did not exist”” – Dr. Maria Montessori
Spring has sprung! Here’s to lots of warm and sunny days to come. We were able to hold some exciting events during the past three months and it is all thanks to the awesome families that we have at MSE.
Our first ever Jog-a-thon event was a huge success. Children were able to enjoy the nice weather that we got lately during our Jog-a-Thon prize giving and during our St. Patricks’ Day parade.
Looking ahead we will be celebrating Spring later this month with a party and an egg hunt. We will also have our long awaited Children’s Literature Expo after a two year break.
We are at the final stretch of the 2021-2022 school year. Children have bloomed beautifully both academically and socially.
Wishing you all a wonderful spring season full of happiness and good times!
Ms. Chaturika
“The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and wings of independence” – Dr. Maria Montessori
As the new year renews all the happiness and good cheers, hope the joyful spirit keeps glowing in your heart forever! Happy New Year! I hope this new year is filled with love and laughter!
I am very grateful for all the parent and grand parent support we got during the holiday season. Our school couldn’t have done all the wonderful things for the children without the support you extended.
Ms. Chaturika
Welcome back to school! I am so excited to begin the 2021-2022 school year with bright smiles and happy faces. Thank you all for trusting us during these uncertain times.
A few reminders to get the year started off right!
- Please remember to always sign your child in and out!
- Please label any and all items that come to school! You will never regret the time you took to label items when it comes time to finding them!
- Morning Circle Begins at 8:30 sharp! Students should be here by 8:30.
- Please always be aware of your snack days and the snack policies! No sweet or empty calorie snacks! We are fueling young bodies and minds and need to be keenly aware of what we give them!
Here’s to a great year ahead!
Ms. Chaturika
- JUNE 2021 Newsletter
I want to thank you all for the love and support you have given me all these years. It’s with a heavy heart I will be leaving my second home MSE at the end of July. It was such a privilege to take care of your precious children all these years. You and your families will always hold a special place in my heart. I was very lucky to have such caring support from all of you.
A happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful and amazing daddies in school, you rock!
This month we celebrated Mother’s Day to honor our “Supermoms” for all they do and we hope that everyone enjoyed their to-go breakfast and the presents that your little ones did. The preschoolers did amazing performances and you are able to watch it through our facebook page. We appreciate all our Mommies for all you do and you are the best!
Parents and guardians are reminded that the curb side is only for PICK-UP and DROP-OFF so kindly be courteous of other parents who are waiting.
What’s happening:
March 17—St. Patrick’s Day
March 19—Closed for Teachers-In-Service Day
On March 17, we will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day and we encourage everyone to join by wearing something green.
February 12—Chinese New Year
February 14—Valentine’s Day and Children’s Lunch Party
February 15—Presidents’ Day (CLOSED)
February 16—Mardi Gras
Welcome to the New Year, 2021! We are looking forward to a great year with you and your children. We want to wish all of our families a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!
December will be a short month. Please note that there is SCHOOL UNTIL 12 NOON ONLY on December 24, SCHOOL IS CLOSED from December 25 – January 3. School will resume on Monday, January 4.
A hearty thanks to all our fabulous parents who made our first ever Trunk or Treat a huge success.
Happy Halloween!!
Important Reminders :
- COVID School Hours 7AM—5PM
- New rates for the new school year and payments are due on Mondays of that week. Late fees will be charged after two weeks of non payment.
On March 17, we will have our annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade around the shopping complex at 10AM. Everyone is invited to join and don’t forget to wear something green.
February 2020 Newsletter
The children will have their Valentine’s Lunch Party in their respective classrooms on February 14 and announcements will be posted on your child’s attendance clipboards.
January 2020 Newsletter
Welcome to the New Year, 2020! We are looking forward to a great year with you and your children. We want to wish all of our families a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!
December 2019 Newsletter
Can you believe that it is December already?
The children and staff will celebrate the Thanksgiving Feast on November 22. Check the class clipboards for the ingredients sign-up list. This year we are looking forward to cooking our FEAST together with our children!!
October 2019 Newsletter
We strive to provide an environment rich in possibilities to explore, think, deduce and discover, not only for future success in school, but for success in life.
OCT Newsletter 2019
September 2019 Newsletter
It’s back to school and I would like to welcome everybody to an exciting school year 2019-20.
September 2019
May 2019 Newsletter
We would like to thank our dear parents for the warmth and generosity you have given during the Teacher’s Appreciation Week
MAY 2019 Newsletter
April 2019 Newsletter
Spring is here! Flowers are blooming. Days are longer
APR 2019 Newsletter
March 2019 Newsletter
Spring is almost here but they weather has kept us in for most times.
MAR 2019 Newsletter
February 2019 Newsletter
It sure has been a great start for everyone and time sure flies fast. It is already February and everyone is busy making something special for the Valentine’s Day.
FEB 2019 Newsletter
January 2019 Newsletter
Welcome to the New Year, 2019! We are looking forward to a great year with you and your children.
JAN 2019 Newsletter
December 2018 Newsletter
Can you believe that it is December already? This school year is zipping by fast!
DEC 2018 Newsletter
November 2018 Newsletter
I would like to thank everyone for a successful Halloween Lunch Party and Trick-or-Treat Parade especially to the parents and friends who came and dressed up for the event.
NOV 2018 Newsletter
October 2018 Newsletter
When I see the children enter the doors of the school at the beginning of each year I am always surprised by how young they are
.OCT Newsletter 2018
September 2018 Newsletter
It’s back to school and I would like to welcome everybody to an exciting school year 2018-19.
Sept 2018 Newsletter
June 2018 Newsletter
A heartfelt thank you to all the parents who so kindly made us feel so special during the Teacher Appreciation week.
May 2018 Newsletter
I would like to thank everyone for a successful campaign in completing the Crisis Care Kits
MAY 2018 Newsletter
April 2018 Newsletter
March 2018 Newsletter
ItSpring is almost here but the weather has kept us in for most times. I would like to remind parents to have your child wear appropriate clothing and footwear for this cold weather.
February 2018 Newsletter
It sure has been a great start for everyone and time sure flies fast. It is already February and everyone is busy making something special for the Valentine’s Day.
FEBRUARY 2018 Newsletter
January 2018 Newsletter
Welcome to the New Year, 2018! We are looking forward to a great year with you and your children. We want to wish all of our families a happy, healthy and prosperous new year! A huge thank you to all of our families that brought in deli- cious treats and presents for our wonderful staff. May the New Year be filled with happiness, good health and many blessings..
JANUARY 2018 Newsletter
December 2017 Newsletter
Can you believe that it is December already? This school year is zipping by fast! The Thanksgiving holiday was celebrated with a thanksgiving feast. A very big Thank you to Shannon-Black family for our delicious turkey. Thank you all for all your contributions towards our feast. We are looking forward to Christmas, Hanukah and Kwanza. As we end the year, we will celebrate it with a Winter Holiday Program. Your children and their teachers will be very busy practicing with their songs and dances. We are inviting everyone to come and join us on December 15.
DECEMBER 2017 Newsletter
November 2017 Newsletter
November is here and just around the corner we will celebrate Thanksgiving, but let us not forget to be thankful each day for its blessings. It is a good time to get together and be one with our families. We would like to thank you all for sharing your precious gift with us. We love every moment we spend with your children.
NOVEMBER 2017 Newsletter
October 2017 Newsletter
When I see the children enter the doors of the school at the beginning of each year I am always surprised by how young they are. I then remember how fast they develop and grow over the course of the school year. I am often astounded come June or July by how much the children have learned and how older they seem. We are excited and happy to be with your children and it is our desire to provide the very best for them and their future.
OCTOBER 2017 Newsletter
June 2017 Newsletter
A heartfelt thank you to all the parents who so kindly made us feel so special during the Teacher Appreciation week. We are very lucky to have such caring support from all of you. This month we will have our parent/teacher conferences and kindly check on your child’s attendance clipboard for you schedule. I hope everyone will be able to talk and discuss your child’s growth with your child’s class teachers during our parent/ teacher conferences. We are privileged to share in the development of these precious ones whom you have entrusted to us.
JUNE 2017 Newsletter
May 2017 Newsletter
Time is flying by so quickly and school is nearly over. Please mark your calendar for our annual spring concert which will be held on June 22 (Thursday) at the Carlsbad City Library Auditorium. Be ready for a fun filled evening with dances and singing. Rehearsal for preschool classes will be on June 21. Times and schedules will be posted soon.
April 2017 Newsletter
Spring is here! Flowers are blooming. Days are longer and all of us will be spending more time outside with this nice weather. Our babies too are going to have lots of fun playing outside….
Download April 2017 Newsletter
March 2017 Newsletter
Spring is almost here but they weather has kept us in for most times. I would like to remind parents to have your child wear appropriate clothing for this cold weather…
Download March 2017 Newsletter
February 2017 Newsletter
It sure has been a great start for everyone and time sure flies fast. It is already February and everyone is busy making something special for the Valentine’s Day.
I hope our preschool parents have received their child’s report cards. Please return them with your signature to your child’s class teacher.
Download February 2017 Newsletter